Which process does Carbogas Energia uses for the final disposal of solid waste?
Carbogas Energia's solution comes from a thermochemical plant, able to convert solid waste into energy in a clean and efficient way.
Learn more here.
Does the solution comply with the required emission limits?
Yes, the results found are within all parameters in force in Brazil, as well as international parameters, for example the European directives of 2015.
Is it possible to promote the final disposal for both municipal and industrial solid waste?
Yes, Carbogas Energia solution can use solid waste of urban and/or industrial origin, without the need of any prior treatment. In the case of industrial residues, they may include plastics, rubbers, wood, among several other materials, as long as they are solid and have, after processing, significant heat value.
What about hospital waste?
It is possible to perform the thermochemical conversion of biological and hospital waste. At some countries, by law, this waste must pass through an autoclave (sterilizer and mischaracterizer) system prior to being sent to the thermochemical plant.
What about the sludge from water and sewage treatment plants?
It is possible to perform the thermochemical conversion of sludge from water and/or sewage treatment plants. However, due to its low heat value, it is necessary for the plant to treat the sludge together with the urban waste, promoting a mixture suitable for treatment.
What is the difference between a plant for the treatment of urban waste and industrial waste?
After processing the residue derivated fuel at its first stage, the plants for treating urban and industrial waste are identical. In the case of the first stage, sometimes industrial waste can enjoy a leaner and simpler line, compared to the municipal waste processing line. When starting a project, the dimensioning of the line will be made from the analysis of waste as it is deposited in the plant, providing the necessary capacities so that the RDF has the best characteristics to optimize the process.
What are the products and the residues of the process?
The Carbogas Energia process allows the complete conversion of the waste into synthesis gas. In this context, the outputs of the plant correspond to:
1. Fuel gas, electricity or steam (depending on the customer's needs);
2. The metals and glasses that are removed during processing;
3. Ashes, calcined and inert, suitable for various industrial uses such as making bricks, asphalt, fertilizers and etc.
How much ash is generated?
The process converts all available carbon in the waste into synthesis gas, without the formation of tar, coal or environmental liabilities. In this way, the ash generated in the process is inherent to the content of the fuel, that is, as little as possible according to the material composition. As an example, in the case of municipal waste, ashes corresponds to approximately 5% of the incoming mass and less than 1% of the volume on average.
How will I know how much electricity or gas will be generated?
During the beginning of the project, Carbogas Energia will carry out all the studies necessary for the plant mass and energy balance. Therefore, samples of the waste that will be treated are used in tests, analyzes and projections to perform a reliable dimensioning.
What is the area occupied by this project?
The area varies slightly according to the plant capacity. Plants of 50 to 300 tons of urban waste per day, for example, occupy an average of 7,000 to 10,000 m².
What is the contracting model?
The contracting model will be discussed with the client. However, we are used to offer an turn-key contract, where we deliver the entire project, from the input of the waste to the output of the final product.
Does Carbogas Energia operate its plants?
Yes, by entering into a specific contract, we can operate the plant throughout its useful life. For any other questions, please contact us here.
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